A downloadable game for Windows

Vandiesel Company Training is a detective dialogue game where you play as one of the members of the infamous Vandiesel Company and try to solve the case of the missing Blood Diamond. 

Play as either Annette, Jack, Billy, Julie, William, Willy, Walker, or Mae and go on an ever-changing adventure. Each game has a new randomized solution that brings you onto a different road to travel that unravels new and exciting information about the suspects. In the scenes of the suspects, you can find pieces of evidence that can help you find the correct criminal and the item that symbolizes their motive. Use the Fingerprint Scanner back in the van or the handy dandy Board that helps you connect all the dots and solve the mystery laid before you.

Can you find out who did it? Where did they hide the diamond? And most importantly... Why did they do it?

The game is based on the Vandiesel Company books written by Flemish writers Drik Vanderlinden and Beatrijs Vermaercke. 

The story is playable in both English as well as Dutch.

Copyright 2024 Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen. This item is not authorized for posting on Steam.


VandieselFinalBuild.zip 195 MB

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